Lake Powell was AWESOME! We had a great time with 2 great families. I especially want to thank the kids for putting up with me, laughing at my jokes and allowing me to pinch them with my freakishly long toes. My friend Nic (see Left) also bestowed upon me the nick name of "Sean" (not Shawn, Shawn, so relax) I can only imagine this honor was bestowed on me because of my striking resemblance to Sean "Puff Daddy""P. Diddy""Diddy""P. Diddle""P.Dizzle, fo Shizzle" Combs. And in his great tradition I will also take a new nickname, G. Diddy, and will refer to myself only in the third person, that's the way G. Diddy rolls, and if you don't like it, well G. Diddy doesn't care, cuz G. Diddy cant be bothered with other peoples feelings!
Now that we have that out of the way, G. Diddy would like to continue. Our family retreat to Lake Powell was a great time. We each had food responsibilities, cleaning responsibilities and every one pitched in to make sure that no one was burdened with the clean-up for 16 people. The Quilters and Robinson's ferried us around in their boats and taught anyone who wanted to how to ski or wake board. As you might expect, the water was chilly, this is a photo of G. Diddy swimming, brrr. For some fun, Nixon tried to run down the face of a cliff and broke his arm. G Diddy thanks Eric for his help getting him put back together and getting him out of the canyon and back to the marina. Nixon's fracture is minor and he will return to action soon with no noticeable physical damage. Sara, in spite of her natural tendencies, was a trooper! She stayed with Easton while we went to the hospital in PRICE!(Are you kidding me, no one in Southern Utah ever thought that an x-ray machine would be useful! Or is everyone else comfortable with a 3 hour drive to have an emergency room) Sara fought the wake board for what seemed like hours until she finally got up on the board, fortunately great comedy followed, but a valiant effort none the less. Nixon did a great job reminding everyone that he was handicapped and miserable, and Easton relished the fact that he was not the one hobbled by a sling. As promised G Diddy did develop some good color and the sun and exercise helped me chisel of some unwanted pudge. G Diddy's wife took this mildly embarrassing photo at the dock while G Diddy was loading fuel. All in all it was a great time. We found out that Nixon will not need surgery and will have his cast for only three weeks. Again a special thanks to the Robinsons and Quilters for enduring to the end with G Diddy's family, hopefully we will be invited back for round II. And also a special thanks to Root, the fetchinest dog in the West. This dog is so blinded by his desire to chase sticks that he can not think of anything else. I tried to help him by admonishing him to "put off the natural dog" but he couldn't overcome his impulses, poor dog.
On an unrelated topic, G Diddy is also grateful to Elder Oaks for his wise council. I have started to reevaluate my starter marriage and will be looking forward to finding my permanent wife, feel free to forward me any suitable prospects for my review.
Hey G.Diddy, sorry if you are a little shy about the photo of you on the dock. I'd say your next wife might do better, but you must of misunderstood Elder Oaks. I think only one of us gets a starter marriage, sorry dear, you are stuck for a long time (also known as eternity).
I'm glad you paid tribute to Root, I've never met a dog who could play fetch for 120 hours straight!
SEAN.. i am flattered that you put a ginormous picture of me up top, but i wouldnt really care if u just trashed that one
hopefully u liked the video
Typical woman... It is okay for me to do it, but not you!!
I liked the pictures of your trip, but I was a little disappointed not to hear more about the deer hunters that helped rescue Nixon. Did they go to Price with you, or just help on scene? Why were they hunting so early?
k you totally freaked me out with your car today... I thought I was going to die for a second
so i wasn't getting on you too much since your wife was being lazy also, but you are slacking on your duties!
Wow Geoff,
You're going to let the high side of life take up that much time without an opposite side comment? I'm starting to think life in Park City is all peaches.
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